There is a problem inherent to all desktop applications. Anyone who attempts to write a desktop extension that is supposed to stay attached to the desktop, will eventually encounter it. All such application stay anchored to the pulpit only if they have "always on top" style set. As soon as that style is turned off pressing the "Show desktop" icon will hide the desktop application!
See for yourself! Download and install Rocketdock from here, then click on "Settings" options and change "Layering" from "Always on top" to "Normal" or "Always on bottom", as shown on screenshot below:
When you click "Show desktop" link from the Quick Launch, the dock will disappear along with all other windows.
According to latest research only few wizards and dark mages from 4Neurons corporation possessed the arcane knowledge required to deal with this problem. Analogue Vista Clock is an example of desktop application that can address this issue:
See for yourself. Download (click on an image above) and install Analogue Vista Clock. Right click on its tray icon and uncheck "On top" option, or select "Settings" from its tray icon menu and uncheck "Always on top of other applications" checkbox, as shown on the screenshot below:
If you click "Show desktop" link from the Quick Launch you will see that all windows disappear, but the clock stays on the desktop. But now comes the best part...
If you run both Rocketdock launcher and Analogue Vista Clock and set Rocketdock's "Layering" to "Normal" and uncheck "Always on top of other applications" in Analogue Vista Clock settings, then Analogue Vista Clock will anchor the Rocketdock launcher to the desktop! If you click "Show desktop" now you will see that not only Analogue Vista Clock stays on the desktop, but Rocketdock is there too.